Increase the business value*
in creative collaborations

by visualizing areas where trust between parties can be improved.

*An index derived from 12 trust factors, from psychological safety, marketing practices, and DEI.


12 factors

These 12 factors impact the business value of all collaborations and each of them can be improved. An continuous and conscious building of strong and trusting relationships, is the only way to improve the business value and quality of the creative output.

4. Courage drives productivity. The transition from possibility to reality is always a difficult test for collaborations, especially if the solution has a high creative level.

1. Consensus drives effect. Effect is determined by goal fulfillment, and in order to set useful/relevant goals, the parties in a collaboration must equally understand the job to be done.

3. Trust drives quality. Collaborations characterized by high levels of trust are more likely to reach high quality because the talents and resources of more individuals are utilized.

4. Flow drives efficiency. Efficiency describes the use of the resources allocated to the collaboration to achieve the defined goals.


The process provided by CoRATE enables C-suite executives to repeatedly improve the conditions for creative quality.

1. Set targets


Set reachable targets of change based on common insights collected from your team.

2. Diagnose


36 questions (ca. 30 min) provides a objective understanding of the current state of the collaboration.

3. Analyze


The dashboard helps you monitor the progress of your shared conditions for creative quality.

4. Improve


If you require external assistance, CoRATE can provide you with an Partner who is familiar with the tool.


Endorsed by CommToAct People as a tool for structurally enhancing mental health in creative collaborations.


CoRATE is a Software as a Service platform. The parties own the license to the tool and all the collected data. Our contribution is to continuously update the software and its features with valuable visualizations, gaining collective insights to enhance your creative collaboration.

Radar chart. The further the radar extends from the center, the higher the average rating for that specific subcategory. By comparing the shape and length of the radars for each party in the collaboration, insights can be gained into how to prioritize improvements.

Four-field Venn. Each quadrant represents a combination of high or low scores by participants in the collaboration. By analyzing the position and size of each quadrant, insights can be gained into which area will generate the most positive impact, post-improvements, to achieve better conditions for creative quality.

Scatter diagram. Average clarity is determined by the levels of perceived Consensus and Flow in the collaboration. Empathy examines how much Trust and Courage the collaboration enjoys. Having a joint appreciation of this can lead to coherent actions towards better creative quality.

Max.diff. By examining the relative importance all 12 aspects of collaboration for both clients and agencies, you can pinpoint areas where the parties differ or align in their perception. This enables you to prioritize efforts in addressing any disparities and leveraging areas of agreement to enhance collaboration.

ChatGPT is integrated in CoRATE, enabling users to search within the response data for root causes or to find ideas for solutions. Negotiations with publishers to add a Knowledge Base  will begin in 2024.


CoRATE is acquired as an annual subscription for 30,000 SEK.

Included is unlimited analysis, access to the shared dashboard, support and an annual compiled (anonymized) industry report. The subscription can be canceled with one (2) month’s notice. Click here for Terms of Agreement and Privacy Policy.

Fill in this form to receive an estimate:


CoRATE also offers:


Consultation – A deeper analysis of one creative collaboration


Course – 12 factors that are affecting your collaborations now


Lecture – A diagnosis of the advertising industry


CMO-coach – Get more out of your investments in creativity

Contact me

"Structure to improving the conditions for creative quality"

"Common focus on the value of creative quality"

"Shared language about culture in collaborations"

"Active effort toward long and trusting relationships"


All consultants who join CoRATE are well acquainted with the service and, based on their competencies, are ready to assist with the improvements you prioritize.

Coach my brain, Daniel Collin, Jessica Collin

Efter decennier av erfarenhet i den lika inspirerande som föränderliga och högintensiva kommunikationsbranschen uppenbarade sig för oss en ännu större fascination - om den mänskliga hjärnan och för människors förmågor till utveckling. Det ledde till att vi startade vårt företag som fokuserar på att sprida insikter samt ge verktyg och stöd för hållbar förändring. Vår vision är att demokratisera mental styrka; för att mentalt starka människor bygger starka organisationer och ett starkt, välmående samhälle. Och den visionen gifter sig perfekt med CoRATE vars hela syfte är att identifiera den mellanmänskliga potentialen och förbättringsområden inom företag samt i samarbeten företag emellan. Vi har förkovrat oss om hjärnan, mental hälsa samt olika träningsmetoder och här finns vår passion - att hjälpa individer och företag att utvecklas, må bra och prestera bättre. Med erfarenhet inom ledarskap, kommunikation, marknadsföring, försäljning och om hjärnans utveckling erbjuder vi metoder och verktyg för att rita kartan och hitta vägen mot dina mål och drömmar. Vår drivkraft är tron på människors potential. Vi är intresserade av vem du är och vem du vill bli, för att kunna hjälpa dig att hitta vägen dit. Genom att utgå från hur hjärnan fungerar, delar vi insikter om fascinerande sätt att öka den mentala förmågan och kapaciteten. Med licenser som Mental tränare, ICC Coach, Life Kinetik-tränare och mer, har vi sedan 2018 tränat hundratals personer, föreläst för över 1000 och coachat allt från entreprenörer till professionella idrottare. Och vi älskar det!

Cogs Creative, Magnus Engström, Anna Romson

Cogs Creative brings 25+ years of experience from leading successful creative agencies and teams to marketing- and inhouse departments that want to take stronger creative ownership. Since 2015 Cogs Creative has helped numerous companies of all sizes increase the room for creativity by improving internal and external collaboration. Our values and way of working go hand in hand with CoRATEs mission and we’re excited to see a tool that helps prove the value of our tools and practises – and also helps in finding the areas where our work can start. Together with CoRATE we offer coaching, workshops, change management and interim leadership that will increase your business value – and have the record to prove it.

Malin Ingevall, catalyst, coaching mentor & trainer, founder of One drop & space

Transforming insights into actions. With over twenty-five years dedicated to refining my skills in leadership, business development, and project management, I've discovered my true passion in facilitating meaningful collaborations. When you've gathered your data using CoRATE, I can help you take the first steps towards progress, as a sounding board in analysis and prioritizing. I really love turning collective insights into actionable plans and measurable personal and professional improvements. My approach is to enable progress in ways that are empowering. After personalized coaching and targeted workshops, you and your team will have all the clarity and tools needed to take the collaboration to the next level.

Christina Knight, Executive Creative director & Founder, Mad Women Academy

I have worked in the ad industry since the mid-80’s and ever since been concerned about the industry’s lack of diversity. I founded ’Mad Women Academy’ to offer online training in DEIB (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging); business critical know-how for anyone who wants to understand and represent different target groups for real and build sustainable, profitable brands, as well as well-functioning collaborations and work places. CoRATE shines the light precisely on what is needed to reach these goals and is therefore a perfect partner of Mad Women Academy.

Josefine Billström Raasakka, marketing & digital transformation advisor, founder The Curious Advisor,

I have been working as a marketing professional for over 16 years. My career started in advertising where I spent 10 years as a strategist. In 2017 I made the leap into tech and spent 6 years at Meta (Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, Threads) as a creative strategist. One thing that became very evident over the last couple of years is that so many brands, agencies and companies want and need to transform with the help of technology but find it both daunting and overwhelming. My biggest learning and belief is that transformation happens when you start small – by testing that one new technology, work with that one new talent or do just one project different. But the biggest key to transformation lies in having a safe environment where you are allowed to experiment and most importantly fail. I believe that CoRATE clearly identifies potential gaps and opportunities to create an environment of transformation and therefore see it as the perfect tool to kick off any transformation project with.


+46 76 526 83 18

Founder: Henrik Jansson


Henrik Jansson has a deep understanding and extensive experience in creative collaborations within the advertising industry. Over the course of 25 years, he has accumulated a wide range of perspectives as a copywriter, planner, strategist, and advertising buyer, which has laid the foundation for CoRATE.

Large parts of the reasoning behind CoRATE have been inspired by the the Sustainable Development Goals.



Improve progressively, through 2030, global resource efficiency in consumption and production and endeavour to decouple economic growth from environmental degradation, in accordance with the 10‑Year Framework of Programmes on Sustainable Consumption and Production, with developed countries taking the lead.




By 2030, empower and promote the social, economic and political inclusion of all, irrespective of age, sex, disability, race, ethnicity, origin, religion or economic or other status.


CoRATE also offers:

Consultation – A deeper analysis of one creative collaboration

Course – 12 factors that are affecting your collaborations now

Lecture – A diagnosis of the advertising industry

CMO-coach – Get more out of your investments in creativity

Contact me